matiCast is a Web3 + Hardware solution to verify and display your NFT-based digital art directly on living room. Digital art that you store inside your wallet can be configured, customized and, ultimately, displayed directly from your web browser or hardware DIY display. We leveraged Matic Network and codyborn's Tokencast to make all smart contract interaction viable and seamless integrate digital art into the real world.
You can learn more about about matiCast by taking a look at this readme.
Digital artwork can now be tokenized on the blockchain, allowing the ownership and origin of digital goods to be publicly verifiable. matiCast aims to bring this same verifiable
digital art back into the living room using bleeding edge tech. matiCast provides the software and instructions to build a digital picture frame for displaying your precious digital art.
Only artwork that you verifiably own can be displayed in a matiCast device. When you display your
art, you can also add a QR code that will direct viewers to a proof of ownership page.
You can learn more about NFTs by taking a look at these submissions.
Porting matiCast to Matic Network is only natural in this day and age, with pre-2.0 Ethereum sluggishness receiving the big spotlight. Matic is a Layer 2 solution that brings more speed, scalability and efficience to this project, without having to scarifice decentralization or security. By using Matic's high level APIs, all smart contract interactions were able to be ported over to their network, reducing the costs associated with verification by many orders of magnitude. Users just won't be able to display their dozens of NFTs on their living room if they're paying significant fees every moment in order to just keep the verified gallery functional.
matiCast is an open-source DIY project and we welcome contributors. The easiest way to build your own frame is to hook a Raspberry Pi up to an IPS monitor and run the matiCast client. You can find the full set of instructions on GitHub. If there's a feature you'd like to see added, let us know or send a pull request.